
Hej potrzebuje pomocy będę wdzięczny za pomoc
Przetłumacz zwroty w nawiasie

1 (Czy kiedykolwiek) been on a (wakacjach pod namiotem)?
2 They have (nigdy nie podrózowali) by (promem).
3 Have you (zarezerwowałes) the flight and the (zakwaterowanie) yet?
4 New York is a popular holiday (celem podrózy) – around sixty million
(turystów) visit this city every year.
5 (Z którego peronu) does the train to Glasgow (odjezdza) from?

Odpowiedź :

1. have you ever, --

2. never travelled by prom(?)

3. booked, acommodation

4. travel puropse (??), tourists

5. --, leaves


1. (Have you ever) Been on a (holiday under the tent)?

2. They have (never traveled) by (ferry).

3. Have you (booked) the flight and the (cantonment) yet?

4. New York od a popular holiday (the purpose of the trip)- around sixty milion (tourists) visit this city every Year.

5. (From which platform) does the train to Glasgow (drives away) from?

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