
Błagam POMOCY!!!
I have never travelled _____________________ (samolotem).
Excuse me, how __________ (dostanę się na stację kolejową)?
I'd like to learn how to _________________ (rozbijać namiot).
When was the last time _____________ (byłeś na wakacjach)?
Mark wants to _____________ (zarezerwować lot do Londynu).
We would like to _____________________ (kupić pamiątki).
What's your favourite _______________ (środek transportu)?
Make sure that _______________ (twój paszport jest ważny).
Emily has never been _____________________ (za granicą).
It takes about 20 minutes ___________________ (piechotą).
We didn't have time __________________ (żeby pozwiedzać).
We need to ____________________ (odprawić nasz bagaż).
I'm going to ______________ (pojechać nad morze) this year.
Go down the road and _______________ (przejdź przez ulicę).
You should ________________ (zapiąć pasy bezpieczeństwa).
__________________ (Z którego peronu) does it leave from?
My parents always ___________ (spędzają wakacje w górach).
I like _______________ (podróżować pociągiem).
Have you ever ___________ (spałeś w śpiworze)?
I would like to ________ (pojechać pod namiot).

Odpowiedź :

1.by plane
2.to get to the train station
3.pitch a tent
4.you were on the vacation
5.book a flight to London
6.buy a diary
7.mode of transportation
8.your passport is valid
11.to explore
12.show our baggage
13.go to the sea
14.crosstie road
15.fasten your seat belts
16.from what platform
17. they spend their vacation in the mountains
18.go by train
19.you slept in a sleeping bag
20.go camping

Trochę mi to zajęło liczę na NAJ

by a plane
can i get on the train station
pitch a tent
you went on vacation?
book a trip to London
buy some souvenirs
you passport is valid
the seaside
cross the street
put your seatbelts on
which platform
spend their vacations in mountains
traveling by a train
go camping