
Zaznacz poprawne opcje.
1 The film has a strong acting / cast / stars with some famous Hollywood names.
2 The main plot / actor / character in the book is a young girl.
3 The audience / band / presenters didn't like the play and some even left the theatre early.
4 A good advert/ headline / comic should be short and attract the readers' attention to the article.
5 My sister's pencil tune / painting / drawing won first prize in the town art competition.
6 Our theatre group are going to give / put / make on a comedy play.
7 I often post / visit / use my comments online after I've read an interesting article.
8 He's a famous author / director / designer who has made some Oscar-winning films.​

Odpowiedź :

1. Acting

2. Character

3. Audience

4. Comic

5. Drawing

6. Put on

7. Post

8. Director