
Zamień na pytania pośrednie .Szybko plis
Do you live in London
Did he buy any sweter
Hes she done does homeworl.
Are they happy
Was yet interessing

Odpowiedź :



Do you live in London?

Can you tell me if you live in London?

Did he buy any sweters?

I would like to know if he bought any sweters.

Hes she done does homeworl.  BŁĘDNE ZDANIE!

Has she done her homework?   TAK PROPONUJĘ

The teacher wonders if she has done her homework.

Are they happy?

I want to know if they are happy.

Was yet interessing?  BŁĄD

Was it interesting?

Do you have any idea if it was interesting?

  • Pytania pośrednie (indirect questions) stosujemy, kiedy chcemy w bardzo uprzejmy sposób zadać drugiej osobie pytanie.
  • W pytaniach pośrednich zachowujemy szyk zdania twierdzącego.

  • Pytania bezpośrednie dzielimy na:  

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Pytania szczegółowe (specific questions) - pytania zaczynające się od  słówka pytającego (question words).