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I saw a leaflet about elders work and help that catched my attention, and I would like to volunteer for it. i woupd like to volunteer because I want to do some activities in my free time and also because elders are always my soft spot wich I'm not ashamed of. I'm available on weekends from 9 am to 7 pm. Since I only have basic information about the organisation I want to ask for further information about the organisation and how it works. Also the work schedule and the time of an interview. thank you and have a nice day.
sincerely, XYZ
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Hi Mike!
Guess what! I'm about to apply for volunteer work for elders. I really want to volunteer since I really want to help elders and I want to do some activities before going back to school. well I'm not gonna work there all summer of course, so I only apply for weekends and such. well I dont really know when is my job interview because it was not included in a leaflet so I plan to write to them to give me further information but I'll be patient and right now and just wait, hope it works because I'm very thrilled right now. well that's all I had to talk to you about. what do you think? also how are you? tell me about what you think and your week in your next email.
sending love, XYZ