Zadanie w zalaczniku prosze!

Zadanie 5
- Hi, can I help you?
- Yes, I'd like to know if your eggs are free-range, please
- Yes, they are
- OK, I'd like an omlette. Will it take long?
- No, just a few minutes. Would you like some wholemeal bread too?
- That's very kind of you, thanks. About the tomatoes - are they organic? I don't want to eat chemicals in my salad!
- Yes, they are. All the vegetables are also locally-grown. We buy them from a farmer near here. Anything to drink?
- Would you mind telling me if the orange juice is freshly-squeezed?
- Yes, I do it myself to order.
Zadanie 6
2. calories
3. junk
4. ingredients
5. fresh
6. full
7. fizzy
8. fast
1 wholemeal
2 locally grown
3 freshly-squeezed
4 organic
5 free-ranged
1 carbons
2 junk
3 igrendients
4 freshly
5 fruites
6 fizzy
8 fat