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Test-Unit 3

I Complete the dialogue with the correct option, A, B or C.

Claudia: Hi Eva. 1_____________ to the concert next weekend?
Eva: Yes, I 2_____________ with Marta and Carla. 3_____________ you a ticket, too?
Claudia: That would be great, thanks. How are you getting there?
Eva: I think we 4_____________ by coach, but I need to check the times.
Claudia: I 5_____________ that, if you like?
Eva: Thanks. I think the last coach back 6_____________ at 11.45, so we should book seats on that one.
Claudia: Good plan.
Eva: 7_____________ that for all of us?
Claudia: Yes, no problem. 8_____________!

4 A Do you go B Are you going C Will you go
5 A ’m going B will go C go
6 A Do I get B Shall I get C Will I get
7 A ’re going B go C ’re going to go
8 A am doing B ’ll do C am going to do
9 A will leave B is leaving C leaves
10 A Do you do B Will you do C Are you doing
11 A I won’t forget B I don’t forget C I’m not forgetting

II Match the sentence beginnings (1–6) to the endings (A–F).

1 Shall we drive, or A change trains somewhere?
2 Hurry up! We don’t want to B water sports on the lake?
3 We visited some amazing hot springs – we C go by public transport?
4 Is it direct, or do we need to D sightseeing after breakfast?
5 Do you remember when we did E miss our connection!
6 Would you like to go F even sat in the water!

III Choose the translation of the phrase in brackets that completes the sentence correctly.

1 They need (reklamować) ______________ this place – it’s fantastic!
A to advertise B advertisement C to advertisement

2 Oh, (przy okazji) ______________, I booked seats.
A by way B on way C by the way

3 (Wolałbym) ______________ go by public transport – it’s cheaper.
A I’d rather B I rather C Rather I

4 Are there many (atrakcji turystycznych) ______________ in your country?
A attractions tourist B tourism attractions C tourist attractions

5 The teacher (sparafrazował) ______________ the instructions to make them simpler.
A reported B paraphrased C translated

IV Read the texts and choose the correct answer: A, B or C.

South American adventure

As he lay down on the bed, Jon finally relaxed. After three days and nights on a bus, he was happy just to lie down flat!
He tried to take in all the sounds, sights and smells of the busy capital city. The smell of cooking food floated in through
his window from the café next door. The lights were starting to glow as the sun went down. It filled him with a huge sense
of adventure. He was looking forward to getting out and exploring the local area.

1) The writer describes the atmosphere of

A a busy city in the early evening.
B a busy city in the morning.
C a bus in the early evening.

2) Jon is

A trying to get to sleep.
B resting in his room after a journey.
C resting in his room after a meal.

Hot Springs and breakfast!

Join us on an early-morning tour to the hot springs at El Tatio. The bus will leave around 5 a.m. from the main square
in San Pedro de Atacama. Why so early? The fantastic colours of a mountain sunrise are unforgettable! You can enjoy
this amazing view and relax in a hot pool of natural spring water – with snow all around! Don’t forget your swimming
costume – and a warm hat!

3) Which statement is true?

A You travel by train on this tour.
B This tour includes food.
C The tour starts early so you can see the sunrise.

4) The hot springs are

A in the main square.
B in the mountains.
C by the swimming pool.

Day 2 – Buenos Aires

What an incredible place! We arrived two days ago, so I’ve still got a bit of jet lag. Yesterday, we were really tired so we just hung
out near the hostel and explored the local area. Tomorrow we’re going to go sightseeing. It’s hard to decide what to do because
there are a lot of tourist attractions! I think we’re going to start gently tomorrow morning with a walk round the harbour.
But now, time for more coffee!

5) What is the first activity that the blog writer is going to do tomorrow?

A visit the harbour
B have a coffee
C plan the next few days

V You will listen to five texts. Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

Text 1

1 The woman’s ticket costs

A £25.50
B £27.50
C £25.70

Text 2

2 Flight FA2103 is going to leave from gate number

A 90.
B 1530.
C 42.

Text 3

3 The speaker missed his connection because he

A got on the wrong train.
B heard the wrong platform number.
C went to the wrong station.

Text 4

4 Which is TRUE about today’s programme?

A The presenter is going to look at a map.
B Other people are going to speak.
C There are going to be some advertisements.

Text 5

5 Where is the woman?

A at a railway station
B at an airport
C in a car

Odpowiedź :


1. b



























zad 1?
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A

zad 2
1 C
2 E
3 F
4 A
5 B
6 D

zad 3
1 A
2 C
3 A
4 C
5 B

zad 4
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 C
5 A

zad 5
sluchanka wiec nie pomoge‍♀️