
Odpowiedz na pytania po angielsku
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zaproponuj koledze, jak moglibyście wspólnie spędzić czas (6 zdań)

Odpowiedź :


I often go shopping with my friend ... (  ← tu wpisz imię twojego przyjaciela). We go shopping at the store ... ( ← tu wpisz nazwę sklepu). A week ago I even bought him a gift at this store. He was very pleased. I would love to spend more time with him because he is my best friend. We used to play games and I would like to play with him. He's good at soccer. We play it often. I would like to try to play handball with him sometime. We like each other very much and we love to spend time together.



Usually I go shopping with my friend (wpisz imie) we love to shop at our mall (wpisz nazwe centrum handlowego które jest najbliżej ciebie).

Once my friend and  I went shopping, everything was okay and we were almost leaving. Then I remebered that I still did not buy a present for  (imie innego przyjaciel) birhtday party! I told my friend about it and  we ran into  the mall  as  fast as we could because her/his mom was waiting  for us.  We picked a present and went home.

Hey (imie kolegi) maybe would you like to go to skatepark with me today? O you don't like skatepark? No worries we can go to my house then. Okay so I will call you after I  finisz my homework, okay see  you later!


On Studier: Inne Pytanie