
3 In your notebook, match the jobs in the box with the
sectors they belong to. Can you add any other jobs to
accountant - actor/actress • bank clerk police office
chef - computer programmer . dentist taxi driver
driving/skiing instructor engineer - judge secrete
each category?
- fireman/firefighter flight attendant model nurse
journalist mechanic professor • scientist
• shop assistant software designer • travel agent
. waiter/Waitress sales rep (representative)
The service sector, cook, ...
Business: manager. -
Entertainment & media: cameraman/camerawoman
Law: lawyer, ...
Medicine & health: doctor, ...
Education: teacher, ...
Emergency services: ambulance driver, ...
Technology, technicia

Odpowiedź :

Odpowiedź: Podkreślone wyrazy są dodatkowe i nie ma ich w ramce.

The service sector: cook, chef, taxi driver, flight attendant, shop assistant, travel agent, waiter/waitress, housekeeper;

Business: manager, accountant, bank clerk, secretary, sales rep, business teacher;

Entertainment & media: cameraman/camerawoman, actor/actress, model, journalist, film director;

Law: lawyer, judge, court clerk;

Medicine & health: nurse, dentist, sciencist, doctor;

Education: teacher, professor, driving/skiing instructor, principal;

Emergency services: ambulance driver, police officer, fireman/firefighter, paramedic;

Technology: computer programmer, engineer, mechanic, softwaer designer, technican.

Mam nadzieję, że chociaż trochę pomogłam :)