
napisz komentarz w którym opiszesz sytuację kiedy twój kolega z USA odwiedził Cię w domu i nie zdjął butów a była brzydka pogoda i wszystko zostało na dywanie
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today something terrible happened, it was a very rainy and ugly day, the only comforting fact was the arrival of my friend from the USA. Unfortunately, despite the warnings, he did not take off his shoes and dirty the whole house ..

chyba moze byc


Today I invited my friend from USA to my house and something terrible happened. The weather was realy bad it was raining really hard and it was really windy. When he finally arrived to my house I saw he's boots were so dirty and wet, and guess what! He forgot to take them off and he came into the living room and stood on the new carpet! It was all wet and dirty.

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