
Read the instructions and do the writing task
in your notebook.
OPEN TASK Twoja koleżanka z Anglii
przygotowuje projekt dotyczący zwyczajów
żywieniowych wśród młodzieży i poprosiła cię
o informacje na temat twojego kraju. W liście:
• napisz, jakie potrawy potrafisz przygotować
opisz posiłek, który przygotowałeś/przygotowałaś
na specjalną okazję;
• zapytaj o najpopularniejsze potrawy w Anglii.
List powinien zawierać od 50 do 120 słów.
Hi Sue,
It was nice to hear from you. You asked
me about food – my favourite subject!


Odpowiedź :


Hi Sue,

It was nice to hear from you. You asked

me about food – my favourite subject!

There are many national Polish dishes: pies, dumplings, cucumber or mushroom soup... I can do one of them  - dumplings. I helped my mom doing them on Christmas two years ago. She had a birthday last week, so I wanted surprise her. When she wasn't home, me and dad tried to make her favourite ones - blueberry dumplings.  When she came back, she was very happy! She said it was tasty, and that she was proud of me.

I've said enough about me. What about You? What are national British dishes?

- (Twój podpis)

