FRANEK1234567812ON FRANEK1234567812ON Język angielski Rozwiązane Choose the correct item. 1 This storm is ...... the last one. 1.worse from 2.worse than 3.worst than 4.worst from 2 ...... the volcano erupted, they had evacuated the city. 1.By the time 2.Just as 3.Until 4.As soon as 3 Most of the residents ...... when the hurricane hit the town. 1.have been sleeping 2.slept 3had slept 4.were sleeping 4 There are over two million people living in Goma ...... it is in the shadow of an active volcano. 1.even if 2.even so 3.even though 4.even as 5 The Asian elephant is an ...... species. 1.endangered 2.endangering 3.endanger danger 6 “What is Kelly doing at college?” “She studies geology, just ...... her brother.” 2.similar to 3.same as 4.alike 7 The ...... flights had to be cancelled. 1.scheduling 2.schedule 3.scheduled 4.schedule’s 8 “I don’t know anything about climate change.” “.......” 1.Neither do I 2.Neither am I 3.So do I 4.So am I 9 The rescuers were ...... in the rubble all day. dig be digging 3.having dug 4.digging 10 Whenever you throw rubbish in the sea, not only ...... the water, but you also harm the sea creatures. are polluting will pollute 3.did you pollute you pollute 11 “Why were you so late this morning?” “The river flooded so I ...... up driving to work.” 1.’ve ended 2.ended 3.end 4had ended 12 “Why did you go under the tree during the storm? You could have been killed!” “Well, we thought we’d be safe ...... the storm.” 1.from 3.for 4.with