GAWELPALERMOON GAWELPALERMOON Język angielski Rozwiązane proszę na zaraz potrzebuje!!4 Uzupełnij minidialogi 1–4. Wpisz w każdą lukę brakujący fragment wypowiedzi tak, aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty.1 X: The teachers are giving us too much homework this week!Y: I totally _________________________! We have no free time at all!2 X: Excuse me, _________________________ the window, please? It’s really cold.Y: Of course you can.3 X: Our new history teacher is really nice. What _________________________? Y: Yes, she’s great!4 X: I don’t think it’s important to do extra activities at school.Y: Well, _________________________ view, it’s a really good idea. ____ / 4I talked to your son this morning because I’d like him to join the literature club in our school. John was quite (1) ____________ when I suggested that. But the truth is that during our English classes, John is always (2) ____________ and he knows many important books. We only have four members at the moment and I feel John could help us a lot during the (3) ____________ in April. Unfortunately, he’s got tennis classes on (4) ____________ when the club meets, so perhaps you could talk to his coach to move them to a different day? Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. ____ / 4