
E Przeczytaj dialog. Wybierz poprawne uzupełnienie luk 1-4: a, b lub c. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie.
A: Who was that at the door, Alison?
1 a middle-aged
B: I don't know, mum. A (1) ... man - about 40 years old. He said he was
b elderly
looking for Bart, so I told him no one with that name lived here.
c young
A: What did he look like?
2 a height
b beard
B: Well, he was slim and he had a small (2) .... Oh, and his hair w
c weigh
really scruffy. It looked like he never brushed it.
3 a reliable
A: Did he look (3) ?
b nephew
c jealous
B: No, he was rather nervous. I wouldn't trust him. But he wasn't unkind.
4 a passing down
A: Oh, right. If you see him again, tell me. There have been a few
b looking like
robberies recently and the police is still (4) ... the thief.
c looking for
cada 11
Miednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny​

IaceE Przeczytaj Dialog Wybierz Poprawne Uzupełnienie Luk 14 A B Lub C Zapisz Odpowiedzi W ZeszycieA Who Was That At The Door Alison1 A MiddleagedB I Dont Know class=

Odpowiedź :

1 a
2 b
3 a
4 c
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On Studier: Inne Pytanie