RIEAON RIEAON Język angielski Rozwiązane 1 Choose the correct words.a) James Naismith invented/exhibited the game ofbasketball in 1891.b) Susan Kare discovered/designed many computericons like for 'save'c) I've just invented / installeda new version of Word ontomy computer.d) Last week, I createddiscovered a new bag froman old pair of jeans.e) Next year, the gallery willinstall / exhibit some of VanGogh's most famouspaintings.f) Isaac Newton designeddiscovered gravity in 1687.g) Wilhelm Roentgenproduced / improvedthe first ever X-ray picturein 1895. It was an X-ray of hiswife's hand!h) Hans Lippershey madethe first telescope in 1608and then Galileo installedimproved it and produced/discovered a much betterone in 1609