1. Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy tekst. Na podstawie zawartych w nim informacji zdecyduj, czy zdania od 1 do 7 są zgodne z prawdą (TRUE) czy fałszywe (FALSE). Zaznacz znakiem ( X ) odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli (7 pkt.):
Road accidents are one of the biggest causes of death which could be avoided. Drinking and driving has been limited and the recent introduction of roadside cameras has started to reduce the number of pedestrians killed by speeding. But there are two other major causes of unnecessary deaths and accidents... and both are connected with drivers. The first is the use of mobile phones. A survey of 700 drivers showed that motorists using mobile phones have more accidents than those without, including those using hands-free phones. The survey – published in the New England Journal of Medicine – showed that those accidents happened not because drivers’ hands were occupied but because they were not careful enough. There’s only one solution – the use of mobile phones must be regarded as breaking the law.
The second cause of needless accidents is driver fatigue. We all know the symptoms even if far too many of us don’t want to admit them. We may even fall asleep for a minute or two without realising it. It could be that someone else travelling in the opposite direction at 70 mph in the other lane of the same highway is also struggling to stay awake. Studies by the Sleep Research Laboratory at the University of Loughborough suggest that 16 to 23 per cent of major accidents are caused by driver fatigue. Mid-afternoon is the most dangerous period and male drivers under 30 the main victims.
What can be done? The Department of Transport recommends that sleepy drivers stop driving. That’s common sense but the message won’t get through unless it is supported by a media campaign. This is one of those few areas where politicians could make a big contribution to saving lives if they themselves could overcome their usual complaint of political fatigue.
Road accidents are caused mainly by situations that cannot be controlled by drivers.
Special cameras installed along roads have helped to reduce the number of accidents.
The writer discusses three reasons why accidents happen.
Using hands-free phones is safe.
According to studies less than a quarter of accidents are caused by tiredness.
7 p.m. is the time when drivers are most likely to fall asleep.
Media and politicians might contribute to safe driving.
2. Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C (5 pkt.):
The Big Feastival
Cooking tricks of the trade, tempting recipes and a taste of something new are all on offer at The Big Feastival. This summer festival, which 1) ……….... place in August each year is organised by British chefs Jamie Oliver and Alex James. The event aims to raise money 2) ……….... Jamie Oliver’s UK Food Foundation charity and to encourage people to appreciate good food. The three-day culinary event is 3) ……….... at Alex James’ farm every year. The event features a 4) ……….... of chefs from around the world. Hungry festival goers can also buy a tasty treat from one of the many stalls 5) ……….... delicious food.
1 A takes B took C will take
2 A about B to C for
3 A kept B shown C held
4 A many B number C few
5 A offer B offering C offered
3. W każdym punkcie obydwa zdania uzupełnij tym samym wyrażeniem A, B lub C (5 pkt.):
1 I think I might ......... up my guitar lessons and try something new instead.
What kind of present should we ......... Holly on her birthday?
A offer B give C take
2 Wow, Rita! You ......... so much like your mum!
I’ve lost my shoes. Can you help me ......... for them?
A seem B look C search
3 Twice a week, I ......... out at the gym.
I’m trying to ......... up the courage to ask Mandy to marry me.
A run B find C work
4 Shelly, could you please take the rubbish .........?
I wanted to make Dad a cake but we’ve run ......... of eggs.
A out B away C up
5 Shall we stay ......... tonight and just watch a DVD?
Have you been ......... touch with Mandy lately?
A in B up C on
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