
pomoże ktoś? za zrobienie jest 40 punktów oraz naj​

Pomoże Ktoś Za Zrobienie Jest 40 Punktów Oraz Naj class=

Odpowiedź :


6. 2) you mustn't speak on your mobile phone in here .

3) you don't have to send the email since I have already sent/done it. (obojetnie ktore Das)

4)you must pay to download music and films on some sites.

5) you mustn't bring phones to the exam room.

6)you don't have to buy a tablet, u can use mine.

7) I have to study harder

8) John and Bill must finish their work before they can go home.

7. 2) we must tip the waiter. He's been so helpful.

3)you can defrost the fridge. It dose it itself tho.

4) can I use your phone to make a call?

5) would you like me to download the program for you


Modal verbs to -

Can, may, must, shall, will

Could, might, should, would

W 7 zadaniu moglam zmienic troche zdania dopuki zdania I pytanie beda mialy takie same znaczenia a w 6 musiz uzyc must, mustn't, have to albo don't have to

/Jak by co polski nie jest mojim pierwszym jezykiem bo mieszkalam 10 lat w angli to jak cos po polsku napisalam zle to tak I tak nie Ma znaczenia wiec nic sie nie stalo /