
opisz ulobionego bohatera książki Harry Potter po angielsku.

Najlepiej albo Herrego Pottera albo draco malfoy. ​

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His name is Harry Potter. He is 11 years old. His hear is black and he have got blue eyes. He isn't very tall and he isn't very fat. He is wearing black glasess .

He is smart brave and good friend. We can see this features in many scens for example when they was comig to the Hogwart Draco Malfoy said that he can be more famous with him but Harry choosed Ron. We can see how brave is he in the room when he had to find a key wich will open the door.

In my opinion he is the best character of the Harry Potter.


My favorite character from the Harry Potter book is Harry. He's got short brown hair, blue eyes and he wears round glasses.

He's got a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. Harry is slim and

tall. He is a student at the school of magic, therefore most often he

wears a school uniform. He is very cool.

Harry hasn't got parents. They died. He'got lots of friends

because he is very friendly, funny, helpful and nice. He has a very

interesting life full of dangerous adventures and surprises. He deals

with magic and he has a magic wand. His best friends are Hermione

and Ron. In my opinion Harry Potter is a very positive figure. He

fights against evil. I think Harry is very clever.


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