
7 Pracujcie w parach. Popatrzcie na obrazki.
Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania
i odpowiadajcie na nie. Osoba A wciela się w rolę
syna lub córki. Osoba B wciela się w rolę mamy
lub taty i decyduje, czy wyrazić zgodę, czy nie.

1)go to my friend's House

2)Play football

3)watch television

4)have a sandwich

(na dziś)​

Odpowiedź :


A) Good morning, we have a wonderful day today.

B) yes, I agree with you.

A) Can I go to my friend's house in the afternoon? We will probably play football and do some other sports.

B) sure, I can't see any problem.

A) also we are going to watch some movies tonight.

B) that's nice, what will you watch?

A) somie comedies, so we're going to have lot's of fun

B) I love comedies, when I was in your age, I was watching comedies a lot!

A) alright, we will have some snacks, but I will eat sandwich. I prefer sandwiches than snacks, sandwiches are healthier than snacks.

B) I'm glad you are eating sandwiches instead of snacks, they are so much better.


brak :o

On Studier: Inne Pytanie