3 Przeczytaj tekst, w którym Lenny opisuje swojego
najlepszego przyjaciela. Ułóż akapity w odpowiedniej
My best friend by Lenny
We both like cycling.
We go cycling in the
mountains. We both
like playing football, but
Zach is faster than I am!
We also like playing
My best friend is called
Zach. He's a lot of
fun. We spend a lot of
time together. In some
ways we are similar, but
in other ways we are
But we are also different.
I am 12, but Zach is 15.
Zach likes pizza, but I like
hamburgers. Zach is a worse
Maths student, but he's
a better Art student. He's
a great friend
Unit 4
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