Odpowiedź :
2. I would rather ride my bicycle to work than drive my car.
3. Mum would rather we tidied our bedrooms today.
4. I'd rather we had gone skiing last weekend.
5. George prefers reading books to listening to music.
6. Stacy would prefer to work outside rather than work in an office building.
7. She'd rather have travelled to Spain last year.
8. I'd prefer to learn Italian rather than German.
9. I'd rather you hadn't stayed out late last night.
W końcu jakieś ciekawe zadanie z gramatyki :)
To ostatnie zdanie (4 też) zrobili takie podchwytliwe. Zdanie odnosi się do przeszłości (last night) i ma dwa różne podmioty ( I oraz you), więc należy użyć czasu past perfect.