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Kenny, 13:
Hi, I’m Kenny, and I’m 13. I think I do a lot of chores at home, but my parents don’t think so! I tidy my room at weekends, and my brother and I often take the rubbish out. I don’t make my bed every morning because I haven’t got much time. I sometimes help my mum wash the windows.
Alice, 12:
I’m Alice, and I’m 12. I think I’m good at doing the household chores. I often help my mum in the kitchen. I cut up the fruit and vegetables, and I sometimes make breakfast for my younger sister
if my parents go to work early. Because I help with the meals, I don’t clear the table or do the washing- up. That’s my older brother’s job. He really hates that.

1. _______ that he helps a lot at home. *

Kenny thinks

Kenny’s parents think

2. Kenny______ takes the rubbish out.



3. Alice prepares food for her sister in the______



4. ________ doesn’t like doing the washing-up. *


Alice's brother