
Przeczytaj tekst na temat motoryzacji. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A–F) do każdej części tekstu (4.1.–4.4.). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą lukę. Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu
.A. Be careful of other drivers
B. Driving classes are no good
C. Getting ready for a test
D. Building good habits
E. Slower may mean faster
F. Experience is everything

4.1. ________When beginning your driving lessons, you are usually trying to stay on your side of the street and you don’t worry about anything else. After that, you learn to change gears, speed up and brake. After learning these basic skills, you can focus on the road signs, other cars, cyclists and pedestrians. Then, before you start feeling like a driver, the course is over and you need to take the exam.
4.2. ________It’s your first ride with no instructor to tell you what to do. You start the car and begin the journey home. Everything is fine – it is a lovely winter day with a lot of fresh snow everywhere. You stop at the traffic lights, they turn green, you want to go but the wheels keep turning on the road because of the ice and snow. It’s time for your tip number one: start in second gear and accelerate very slowly to start moving forwards.
4.3. ________Driving a car becomes automatic with time. The way you prepare for your journey when you sit down behind the wheel as a young driver will probably stay with you forever. So while getting ready before the drive, always check if both of your mirrors are ok – they can save your life later on.
4.4. ________You are slowly catching up with a car on your left. You are almost head to head. The other driver wants to turn into your lane. You are not worried because he must be able to see you, right? Not really. You might be in his blind spot and he will be unaware of the fact that you are almost next to him. You had better slow down to let him in.

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