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T (true – prawda) i F (false – fałsz).

1 The cabin didn't have many rooms. _T_

2 There was a toilet in the cabin. ___

3 They did the same thing every day. ___

4 They often went to bed late. ___

5 There weren't any frightening events during the holiday. ___

6 They stopped using the toilet in the middle of the night. ___

Alaskan Adventure

Last summer, I had an amazing adventure. I went on a wild holiday with two friends to my dream destination – Alaska.

We stayed in a cabin in the woods. There wasn’t any electricity, and there were only two rooms – a bedroom and another room that we used as a living room and kitchen. The cabin was very simple. It had beds, a table, chairs and a sink. There was a shower and a toilet – outside! Living like that was hard, but I loved it.

Every day we had the same routine. First, we got water from the river. After that, we did household jobs and then we explored the area. In the evenings, we made dinner, read books or played games. We always went to bed really early.

One night, something quite frightening happened. We were playing cards in the cabin when we heard a noise. An animal was walking around the outside of the cabin. We looked outside but we couldn’t see anything.

In the morning, we found animal tracks on the ground, and marks on the door! It was probably a bear! After that, everyone felt a bit more nervous, and nobody went to the toilet in the middle of the night!