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Henry’s grandparents lived in the countryside (1) _____d______ Henry loved the countryside so he always spent (2) ___________ Every time he went to the countryside, his grandma taught him how to make (3)____________
(4) ____________, Henry and his grandad went to the village market to sell them. Everyone loved grandma’s delicacies, so (5) ____________ and began producing the best and the healthiest fruit juices and jams. Now, Henry is 21 years old (6)____________

a ___________ Henry turned eighteen, he set up his own business
b delicious homemade jams ___________ juices.
c ___________ he is a millionaire.
d _____and___ they had a huge garden full of fruit trees.
e ___________ the juices and jams were ready.
f his whole holidays with his grandpa ___________ grandma.