
Wykorzystaj podane wyrazy i przekształć zdania, zachowując ich sens. Nie zmieniaj podanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy.
1. it would have been better if we hadn’t even Tony so much money for his birthday. SHOULD
We ________ Tony so much money for his birthday.
2. The offer was so good, they didn’t hesitate to accept it. SUCH
it was ______ that they didn’t hesitate to accept it.
3. it wasn’t necessary for Sarah to pay her university fees because they were covered by her employer. NEED
Sarah _______ her university fees because they were covered by her employer.
4. By law, stores can't sell certain products to under 18. FORBIDDEN
By law, stores ____ certain products to under 18.
5. we didn’t manage to launch a new campaigne due to lack of funding. SUCCEED
we did _____ a new campaign due to lack of funding