A: What do you think about horrors?
B: I despise them, i find them really boring. How about romantic comedies?
A: I guess they're not bad, but i find them awfully silly and unrealistic. But i love criminals! I'm actually big fan of them, they are so good! How about you?
B: I think they are great! They have interesting plot, but some of them are little... Amusing.
What to you think about cartoons?
A: I guess they are Ok, too childish for me.
B: Thats the whole point! They are fantastic because of it, besides, they are educational.
A: Educational for Kids! They are terrible!
A: What do you think about cartoons?
b: Sometimes they are great but usually they are just silly, what about you?
A: I think they are boring and childish, I prefer teenegers films.
2. A: And what do you think about romantic films?
B: I find them fantastic! I love watch them, but sometimes they are so sad. And what about you?
A: I think they're not bad, but adventures films are better.
B: yea, they are great