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Hi Sophie,
I’m writing to ask you about your Halloween plans. If you haven’t got any, why don’t you come and stay with me this year? The town is organising a special attraction called the SCARY MUSEUM TOUR. The idea is that instead of its normal display, the museum will turn into a haunted house, with exhibitions of costumes, creepy things and so on. The best thing, though, is that during the tour the museum staff, dressed up as different historical figures, will jump out, scare the visitors and tell them about a historical event. Well, if it’s as good as last year’s SPOOKY MAZE ADVENTURE, it’ll be really great fun. And don’t worry – I’m not going to ask you to go trick or treating. I know you think it’s only for small kids. Let me know as soon as you can because I need to get the tickets for the museum tour and I’m afraid they’ll sell out quickly.
Write back
1 Amanda wants to visit Sophie for Halloween. P / F
2 The museum will look different during Halloween. P / F
3 Amanda had a great time during the SPOOKY MAZE ADVENTURE last year. P / F
4 Sophie enjoys going trick or treating. P / F