
Proszę pełnym zdaniem odpowiedzieć w jęz. ang. na załączone pytania i odpowiedzi.
1. Poproś kolegę, żeby przyniósł ci Twój telefon.

2. When were you bored last time?

3. When did you go on holiday last year?

4. What do you need when you go camping?

5. What did you buy when you went shopping last time?

6. What was the weather like yesterday?

7. Zapytaj, czy możesz zamknąć okno, bo ci zimno

8. Name 4 things that run on batteries

9. Name 5 different things you can do with your phone

10.Why do you use a remote control?

11.What were you doing last evening at 7 p.m.?

12.When and why did you feel silly last time?

13.Kolega jest zmartwiony, bo zgubił telefon. Jak zareagujesz?

14.When you go on holiday to a city what can you do?

15. Zapytaj przechodnia, czy możesz zrobić Ci zdjęcie
Daje naj

Odpowiedź :

1. Could you bring me my phone, please?

2. Last time I was bored I was at the cinema.

3. Last year I went on holiday on July.

4. I need a tent and a sleeping bag.

5. Last time I went shopping I bought a dress.

6. Yesterday it was raining all day.

7. It's a little bit cold. Could I close the window?

8. Phone, camera, tv remote, electric toothbrush

9. With my phone I can text with my friends, make a call, check the weather, play games, take a photo.

10. I use the remote control to turn on and off the TV.

11. I was doing my homework.

12. I felt silly when I accidentally sent a text message to my friend instead to my mom.

13. That's a pity. Don't worry I will help you find it.

14. You can go to the cinema or to the mall.

15. Excuse me, could you take a photo for me?