
Napisz podane zdania w czasie przeszłym. Zastosuj formy past simple czasownika be.
Are you in your bedroom?
I'm in the garage.
Is Steve in the kitchen?
Billy and I are in the dining room.
Harry and May aren't in the garden.

Odpowiedź :

1. Were you in your bedroom?
2. I was in the garage
3. Was Steve in the kitchen?
4. Billy and I were in the dining room
5. Harry and May weren't in the garden

Mam nadzieje ze dobrze :))


1. Were you in your bedroom?- Czy byłeś w twojej sypialni?

2. I was in the garage- Byłem/byłam w garażu.

3. Was Steve in the kitchen?- Czy Steve był w kuchni?

4. Billy and I  were in the dinning room- Billy i ja byliśmy w jadalni.

5. Harry and May weren't in the garden- Harry i May nie byli w ogrodzie.


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