
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, z którego usunięto tytuły akapitów. Do każdego akapitu (1.– 7.) dopasuj właściwy tytuł (A–H). Jeden z podanych tytułów nie pasuje do żadnego Akapitu:

People adore stories about ghosts. They’re an excellent way to draw our attention, and that’s why they are often the leading characters in books and movies. Short stories and novels about haunted places are among some of the best-selling books, and some films about ghosts have already become classic examples of horror movies.

Tales of ghosts appear in a variety of cultures throughout the world. There is a rich
tradition of oral folktales and works of literature about ghosts, ranging from the Far East, through the Middle East, to Western culture. It is practically impossible to find a corner of the world where people do not have a rich tradition of ghost stories in their tales and legends.

Ghosts stories date back to ancient times. They can be found in most of the well-developed ancient civilisations such as those in China and India. Ancient Greeks and Romans also created their own tradition of beliefs related to ghosts. It might come as a surprise to know that there are even several references to ghosts in the Bible.

One of the oldest literary ghosts is the spirit of Agamemnon, which appeared in the fifth century BC play Oresteia, although it is probably Hamlet’s father which is the most famous ghostly figure in literature. Surprisingly, ghosts need not necessarily be scary, as the popular Casper The Friendly Ghost series for children has proved since the 1930s.

5, ………..

Most people might say a ghost is a white figure that can walk through walls. However,
ghosts have been described in many different ways. Apart from the typical transparent spirit, they might come in the form of poltergeists or phantoms. There have also been numerous stories about ghost animals, ghost planes or trains, and phantom ships.

6. ………….
In spite of the great variety of ghostly characters, most ghosts seem to have a lot in common. Composed of some kind of transparent substance, ghosts can float above the ground and pass through walls or other solid objects. Some stories, however, claim that ghosts might look like real people, and can speak or even move objects.

7. ………
There have been a lot of theories that try to solve the mystery of ghosts. Also, a number of scientific explanations have suggested that ghost sightings are caused by different factors, such as geomagnetic activity, sound frequencies or even gas poisoning. Whatever the answer, ghosts are likely to stay with us, although hopefully only as book or movie characters!

A. Well-known ghosts
B. A popular theme
C. A variety of ghosts
D. Attempts to explain
E. An old concept
F. Typical features of a ghost
G. The scariest stories
H. A universal idea

Odpowiedź :


1 b

2 h

3 e

4 a

5 c

6 f

7 d


nie do końca jestem pewna, również mam takie samo zadanie na egzamin, mam nadzieję że jest poprawne :)