
3. Uzupełnij zdania poniższymi wyrazami:
only, make, well/better, groom, side.
1 I have no brothers or sisters, so I’m a(n) _________ child.
2 My mum gets angry if I don’t _________ my bed every morning.
3 I’m sorry to hear you’re ill. I hope you’ll get _________ soon!
4 After the wedding reception, the bride and _________ went on their honeymoon.
5 My sister’s much younger than me and my parents usually take her _________ when we have an argument.
4. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki. Dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo.
take lay break get take throw

1 Tom is going to _________ a party next weekend. Would you like to come?
2 The dinner’s almost ready, so could you _________ the table, please?
3 Whenever I’m about to _________ the dog for a walk, she waits near the front door, looking excited.
4 He’s so jealous! If he doesn’t change, I’ll _________ up with him!
5. Wybierz poprawny wyraz aby uzupełnić zdanie.
1 I was mad at my friend when I found out she’d talked about me beside / behind my back.
2 I left a mess in my room and, my mum told me up / off for it.
3 We stood in a long line of cars, waiting to cross / cut the border.
4 I can use my dad’s car, but I have to get his allowance / permission first. ___ /4
6. Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi wyrazami. Pierwsza litera wyrazu została podana.
1 I wouldn’t have known this was your younger sister. She has g________ up a lot.
2 Finally, I visited my aunt and uncle last weekend. I’d been looking f________ to seeing them for ages.
3 If you feel stressed out, I think yoga classes would be p________ for you.
4 Well, I stayed with you last summer. Now it’s h________ time you visited me.
5 I’m not sure I’d like to study abroad. I think I’d find it very ch________ .
7. EXAM TASK W zadaniach 1–5 spośród podanych odpowiedzi (A–C) wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
1 When I was a small girl, my granny used to look after me when my parents were out.
A take care of
B worry about
C look for
2 One person in my family I look up to is my uncle, who is both a successful businessman and a generous person.
A dislike
B admire
C avoid
3 I knew he was having some serious problems in his marriage because he had confided in me a few months earlier.
A had apologised to me
B had told me secretly
C had stopped seeing me
4 It’s natural to make friends with people you have got a lot in common with.
A have known for a long time
B share interests with
C have received help from
5 I’m trying to work out what’s happened between Claire and Mark. Do you think they’ve fallen out?
A had an argument
B got engaged
C had an accident
8. Przetłumacz fragmenty podane w nawiasach na język angielski, tak aby otrzymać zdania logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.

Aunt Rita ___________________________________ (zawsze zapomina o) my birthday! It’s so upsetting!
My grandpa ___________________________________ (nauczył mnie jeździć) a bike when I was six.
Office workers ___________________________________ (przestali używać) fax machines many years ago.
___________________________________ (Czy pamiętałeś żeby odrobić) your homework?
How often ___________________________________ (twoja siostra sprząta) her room?
___________________________________ (Nigdy nie próbowałem) parachute jumping.
Be careful - the roads are wet, so it will be slippery. It ___________________________________ (pada) for the last five hours.
I can’t go out tonight. I ___________________________________ (wciąż nie skończyłem pisać) my essay.
My neighbour ___________________________________ (śpiewa tę piosenkę) since 6.00 a.m.! I’ve had enough of it!
___________________________________ (Czy miałeś jakieś) pets when you were a child?

Odpowiedź :


1 I have no brothers or sisters, so I’m a(n) only child.

2 My mum gets angry if I don’t make my bed every morning.

3 I’m sorry to hear you’re ill. I hope you’ll get well/better soon!

4 After the wedding reception, the bride and groom went on their honeymoon.

5 My sister’s much younger than me and my parents usually take her side when we have an argument.

4. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki. Dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo.

take  get  

1 Tom is going to throw a party next weekend. Would you like to come?

2 The dinner’s almost ready, so could you lay the table, please?

3 Whenever I’m about to take the dog for a walk, she waits near the front door, looking excited.

4 He’s so jealous! If he doesn’t change, I’ll break up with him!

5. Wybierz poprawny wyraz aby uzupełnić zdanie.

1 I was mad at my friend when I found out she’d talked about me beside / behind my back.

2 I left a mess in my room and, my mum told me up / off for it.

3 We stood in a long line of cars, waiting to cross / cut the border.

4 I can use my dad’s car, but I have to get his allowance / permission first.

6. Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi wyrazami. Pierwsza litera wyrazu została podana.

1 I wouldn’t have known this was your younger sister. She has grow up a lot.

2 Finally, I visited my aunt and uncle last weekend. I’d been looking forward to seeing them for ages.

3 If you feel stressed out, I think yoga classes would be perfect for you.

4 Well, I stayed with you last summer. Now it’s high time you visited me.

5 I’m not sure I’d like to study abroad. I think I’d find it very challenging.

7. EXAM TASK W zadaniach 1–5 spośród podanych odpowiedzi (A–C) wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 When I was a small girl, my granny used to look after me when my parents were out.

A take care of

B worry about

C look for

2 One person in my family I look up to is my uncle, who is both a successful businessman and a generous person.

A dislike

B admire

C avoid

3 I knew he was having some serious problems in his marriage because he had confided in me a few months earlier.

A had apologised to me

B had told me secretly

C had stopped seeing me

4 It’s natural to make friends with people you have got a lot in common with.

A have known for a long time

B share interests with

C have received help from

5 I’m trying to work out what’s happened between Claire and Mark. Do you think they’ve fallen out?

A had an argument

B got engaged

C had an accident


1. An only child
2. make
4. The groom
5. away

1. Throw
2. Lay
3. Take
4. Break

1. Behind
2. off (tell off- skarcic, ukarac)
3. Cross
4. Permission (allowance to amerykanska wersja pocket money)

1. grown
3. perfect
4. Hard
5. nie wiem

(Ehhehehe exam task, czyzby byly to zadania z ksiazki do testow cambridge? Przynajmniej ja takie mam heh)

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. A

1. always forgets about
2. Taught me how to ride
3. Stopped using
4. Did you remember to do
5. does your sister clean
6. I've never tried
7. Is raining (nie jestem tego pewna)
8. Haven't finished writing
9. is singing this song
10. Did you have any

Mysle ze pomoglam licze na naj. Postaraj sie jak najszybciej usunac to putanie bo jest zbyt obszerne i usuna ci plus mozesz bana dostac