
Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz prawidlową odpowiedź: A, B lub C.
Hello Betty,
I'm on a school trip in England. I'm writing this postcard at the Wembley
Stadium. I'm watching a football match. There are two teams of football
players on the field, one team is called Manchester City and the other
is Liverpool United. The result at the moment is 3:1. Manchester City
is winning! I'm having a great time at the stadium. Everybody is singing,
smiling and clapping their hands. The weather is nice. It is warm and sunny,
not cold and rainy like in Poland.
See you soon,

Przeczytaj Tekst Zaznacz Prawidlową Odpowiedź A B Lub CHello BettyIm On A School Trip In England Im Writing This Postcard At The WembleyStadium Im Watching A Fo class=

Odpowiedź :

Myślę że dobrze


1 -b

2 -c

3- a

4 -c


1. at a stadium

2. Manchester City

3. happy

4. it's sunny