
Połącz ze sobą fragment zdań (1–8) i (a–h) tak, aby powstały poprawne wypowiedzi.
1 I’m really disappointed because I failed 
2 I was ill for a week and I must catch 
3 I really like chemistry because we do 
4 My brother is lazy and he always does 
5 I’m busy right now – I’m revising 
6 My favourite teacher is our form 
7 Be quiet, please – I want to note 
8 Sarah is really happy because she got a good 
a his homework on Sundays. 
b tutor, Ms. May. 
c the biology test. 
d a lot of experiments in the science lab. 
e grade yesterday. 
f up with all the material that I missed. 
g for a very important exam. 
h down what the teacher is saying.
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