
3 Zakreśl właściwą opcję.
I wanted to make 1 a / the sandwich for lunch yesterday but there wasn’t 2 some / any bread or butter. There were 3 any / some strawberries and cream in the fridge so I made a fruit salad with them. After the fruit salad I had 4 a / an orange juice. I think 5 a / the lunch I had was very healthy!
Pomocy mam sprawdzian teraz !

Odpowiedź :


I wanted to make a the sandwich for lunch yesterday but there wasn’t 2 some bread or butter. There were 3 any some strawberries and cream in the fridge so I made a fruit salad with them. After the fruit salad I had  an orange juice. I think the lunch I had was very healthy!



Liczę na naj i mam nadzieję, że pomogłem.

On Studier: Inne Pytanie