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How well or badly could modern teenagers do in a 1950's secondary school? Channel 4 wanted to find the answer to
this question by making a reality TV documentary called That'l Teach 'Em. The series, which started in 2003, showed
the school life of thirty 16-year-olds who had to study in a 1950's secondary school. The idea was to check if modern
teenagers could get better exam results in the final episodes of the show if they had strict discipline.
The teens were put in a boarding school, which means they had to both study and live there. They wore very
uncomfortable 1950's uniforms, ate the food typical of that time (for most of them that was the worst part!) and did a
lot of physical exercise.
The three series of the programme were followed by a spin-off series called That'll Test 'Em. In this programme, the
teenagers and their mums and dads had to answer quiz questions to see who knew more on the subjects taught in
the 1950s.

1. The documentary first appeared on television in......
2. The teenagers had to take....
at the end of the programme.
3. The thing that most of the teenagers disliked most was the....
4. In That'Il Test 'Em the teenagers took part in a competition with....​

Odpowiedź :

1. 2003 2. an exam 3. food 4. their parents

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