
Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu z angielskiego. Najlepiej jakby była jako gra użyty Roblox.
(Pomoc w zadaniu młodszego brata)

Proszę O Pomoc W Zadaniu Z Angielskiego Najlepiej Jakby Była Jako Gra Użyty Roblox Pomoc W Zadaniu Młodszego Brata class=

Odpowiedź :


Hi, ill be describing my favorite computer game!

I am riting to tell you about my favorite computer game, its called "roblox" and its verry fun!

In this game you create games build, play with friends, learn new stuff, and meet new friends.

I like this game beacuse its full of creativity and its verry clever i like spending time playing with my friends on this game!

See you!

Mam nadzieję że pomogłam, i o to chodzi


Hi (jakieś imię XD)

I am writing to tell you about this new game I found, its called Roblox and its really fun, it is also free and there are lots of fun games you can play in the application! In this game you make an account and you can join games that contain real people that you can play the game with and you can also speak to them through the chat feature, I have played multiple great games with the application, I like this game because I can socialize and play with real people, and its also kid-friendly, I hope we could play together sometime! :D

See you!

(Imię Brata)

Mam Nadzieje że dobrze XD jak coś nie tak albo jest za krótko to mg poprawić :)
