
Mount Everest is ____________ (najwyższą górą) in the world.
It's important to _____________ (chronić zagrożone gatunki).
Animals should live _______ (w swoim naturalnym środowisku)._______ (Według prognozy pogody), it's going to rain tomorrow
.We ______________ (poszliśmy na spacer do lasu) yesterday.
While we were having a picnic _____________ (zaczęło padać).Lake Baikal is ___________ (najgłębszym jeziorem na świecie).Cars and lorries ______ (powodują zanieczyszczenie powietrza).
My sister _____________ (pracuje w schronisku dla zwierząt).
Are penguins ___________________ (ptakami czy ssakami)?
We have to ______________________ (dbać o środowisko).
Floods and droughts _____ (są przykładami klęsk żywiołowych)._____________ (Mgła była tak gęsta) I couldn't see anything.What's the difference ________ (pomiędzy gadami a płazami)?The wind is ________________________ (wieje z północy).You should keep ________________ (swojego psa na smyczy).You mustn't ____________________ (śmiecić).This bird _________ (ma bardzo ostre szpony).The night was ________ (chłodna i wietrzna).__________________ (Nie marnuj) water!

Odpowiedź :

1. the highest

2. protect endangered species

3. in their natural habitat/ environment

4. According to the weather forecast

5. went for a walk to the forest

6. it started raining

7. the deepest lake in the world

8. cause air pollution

9. works in the animal shelter

10. birds or mammals?

11.care for the environment

12. are examples of natural disasters

13. The fog was so thick

14. between reptiles and amphibians?

15. it blows from the north

16. your dog on a leash

17. littering

18. has very sharp claws

19. cool and windy

20. Don't waste


mam nadzieję że dobrze jest :)

miłego dnia

1.the highest mountain
2.protect endangered species
3.in its natural environment
4.according to the weather forecast
5.we went for a walk in the forest
6.it started raining
7.the deepest lake in the world
8.they cause air pollution
9.works in an animal shrine
10.birds or mammals
11.care for the environment
12.they are examples of natural disasters
13.the fog was so thick
14. Between reptiles and beaches
15.it blows from the north
16.your dog on the leash
17. Littering
18.has very sharp claws
19.cold and windy
20.do not waste

Mam nadzieje ze o niczym nie zapomniałam i liczę na naj