
Przeczytaj tekst z ćw.9. Wpisz T (True) obok
zdań prawdziwych i F (False) obok zdań
1 Teenagers in the USA do more chores
now than in the past.
2 Boys and girls spend the same
number of hours doing chores.
3 In the past, boys and girls usually did
different chores.
4 Today, boys and girls say they don't
do the same chores.
5 In most households, teenagers say
their dads sweep the floors.
6 In the USA, women usually vacuum
the carpets.

Przeczytaj Tekst Z Ćw9 Wpisz T True Obokzdań Prawdziwych I F False Obok Zdańfałszywych1 Teenagers In The USA Do More Choresnow Than In The PastF2 Boys And Girls class=