
Tell the class what each of the events in the
texts is about.
Which one would you like to
participate in? Why?
Plzlzlzlz na teraz

Tell The Class What Each Of The Events In The Texts Is About THINK Which One Would You Like To Participate In Why Plzlzlzlz Na Teraz class=

Odpowiedź :

Which one would you like to participate in? Why? (W którym chciałbyś/chciałabyś uczestniczyć? Dlaczego?)

I would like to participate in the night-time marathon called "Shine", because, as stated in the text, this event raises money for cancer research. It not only would allow me to keep fit, but also to help scientists. This would make me happy.

(Chciałbym/am uczestniczyć w nocnym maratonie zwanym "Shine", ponieważ jak wspomniano w tekście, to wydarzenie zbiera fundusze na badania nad rakiem. Nie tylko pozwoliłoby mi to zadbać o formę, ale także pomóc naukowcom. To by mnie uszczęśliwiło.)

Hope this helps :)