
Pliss . szybko daje 50 pkt

Who do you think you’ll be?

What do you think you’ll be doing in the future? Are you going to travel the world or maybe start up a business? Tell us about your goals for the future!

I see myself finishing university and taking some time out. I’m going to travel the world. I want to have different life experiences. I’m going to have fun!

I’ve always wanted to travel into space, and now I think it may be a possibility in the future. Some scientists believe we’ll be living on other planets in a decade or two.

I’m going to start up my own business and make my first million before I’m 30! Then I’ll retire young and settle down and have a family. I want to enjoy life! I can’t wait!

I’ve been thinking a lot about the future. I’ll be studying at university for three years and after that I’d like to spend some time in India. I might do some volunteering at a school.

I’m just a student now, but I’ve got some big plans for the future. I’ve started teaching myself to play the guitar so I can become a musician in a famous rock band. Why waste time working all your life?

6 Read the article. Then choose the correct words or phrases.
1 Thomas is going to travel before / after he has finished university.

2 He wants / doesn’t want to settle down soon.

3 Lucia thinks she will / might travel into space.

4 She says scientists think we’ll be living on other planets in a decade / year or two.

5 Marcus wants to retire before he’s 30 / when he has made a lot of money.

6 After he retires, he wants to have children / travel the world.

7 Debbie will be studying for three years / in India.

8 She wants to earn money / help people while she’s in India.

9 Julia’s learning to play the guitar / drive a car.

10 She wants to become old / famous.