
Odpowiedz na pytania więcej niż jednym zdaniem. Odpowiedź na być rozwinięta. Z góry dziękuję za odpowiedź.

Odpowiedz Na Pytania Więcej Niż Jednym Zdaniem Odpowiedź Na Być Rozwinięta Z Góry Dziękuję Za Odpowiedź class=
Odpowiedz Na Pytania Więcej Niż Jednym Zdaniem Odpowiedź Na Być Rozwinięta Z Góry Dziękuję Za Odpowiedź class=

Odpowiedź :

1. How much quality time do you spend with other members of your family? Is it enough? Why (not)?

Well, nearly an hour day. It is not enough, but we are usually all in hurry. My parents usually work untill late evening, so we got like an hour for ourselves. It's all because of their work.

2. Do you like family gatherings? Why (not?)

Well, yes I do. Family gatherings mean so much to me. When we all gather together, we talk a lot and have fun. I love them, because we just have wonderful time together.

3. Who in your family do you look up to the most? Why?

Well, I look up the most to my older brother. He is a very clever and organised person. One day, I just want to be like him. He has already established his own business. That's why I want to be like him. I want to be independent and resourceful like him.

4. How easily do you make friends? Why do you think that is?

Well, it's not easy for me to make friends. I usually have troubles with making friends. I'm a shy person and I don't really know how to talk to others.

5. Where do you hang out with your friends?

Well, I usually hang out with my best friend at his house. But I also go to the nearby cinema with a bunch of my friends every Saturday.


1. Do you get up as soon as you wake up?

Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. It depends. I usually have trouble waking up early in the morning.

2. Do you ever have breakfast, dinner or supper with your family.

Yes, I do. I have breakfast and dinner with my parents pretty much every day.

3. How often do you help out around the house?

Rather often, I would say. I do a lot. For example I make beds, I wash the dishes, I walk my two dogs, I vacuum the carpets and I rarely, but still, take the rubbish out.

4. Would you know how to put on a wash?

Yes, I would. It's not that hard.

5. Who irons your clothes?

Well, my mum often does that, but I do it too.

6. Do you keep your room tidy or leave it in a mess?

Well, I keep my room tidy, because I like to keep everything in order. I can't stand mess.