
KTOS POMOŻE??/ Bardzo proszę...
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treatment, surgery, ambulance, GP, home, symptoms, nurse, pain, Emergency, centre, paramedics, urgent, stroke

If you're ill at the weekend and you can't see your 1.......... because the 2.......... Is closed, the contact the new health helpline on 789. You will be put throught to an 3........... who will note down your 4.......... Depending on the assessment of your problem, you may speak to a doctor. He will give you advice about what to do until you can visit your local health 5..........on Monday. If it is 6........., the doctor on call will give you a 7........

Odpowiedź :

If you're ill at the weekend and you can't see your GP because the surgery is closed, then contact the new helpline on 789. You will be put through to a nurse who will note down your symptoms. Depending on the assessment of your problem, you may speak to a doctor. He will give you advice about what to do until you can visit your local health centre on Monday. If it is urgent, the doctor on call will give you a treatment.

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