Prosiłbym o pomoc! z góry dziękuje

1. wasn't
2. were
3. wasn't
4. were
5. weren't
6. weren't
7. were
8. was
9. was
10. were
11. was
12. wasn't
13. were
14 was
15. were
16. was
17. were
18. was
19. was
20. were
21. was
22. were
23. were
a) My friends were in theater yesterday.
b) Was Kate sad yesterday?
c) Where were Marcel and Daniel 3 days ago?
d) Was Lila at the doctor yesterday?
e) Was it cold last week?
f) Ania was on holidays 2 years ago,
g) [nie mogę rozczytać imienia} wasn't at home yesterday.
h) Was David a firefighter?
Brian wasn't a very funny boy.
Was Brain a very funny boy?
My sisters weren't in Berlin yesterday.
Were my sisters in Berlin yesterday?
I wasn't at work last Monday.
Was I at work last Monday?
My father wasn't a doctor in the past.
Was my father a doctor in the past?