
Proszę o opisanie przebiegu dnia wybranej przez siebie osoby w czasie Present Simple. Pamiętamy o formie czasownika - końcówka ,,s'' ,,es''. 10-15 zdań.

Odpowiedź :

nie wiem kogo opisac wiec opisze sobie mojego brata :)

My brother's usual day starts at 6:30 a.m. At this time, he wakes up and makes himself a breakfast. Sometimes he also makes breakfast for me but only when he has time. Then, he goes to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. After that, he dresses up and he goes to school. His school day starts at 8 a.m. He usually has 6 classes a day. After he finishes the school he goes back home by bus. When he comes home, he washes his hands, eats something and he makes his homework. Later, it depends on the day. Usually, he goes out with his friends or helps me with homework and takes a nap. Later, he plays computer games or he spens time with me. After that, he eats dinner with me and our family. Later, he puts on his pijama, brushes his teeth and goes to sleep because he has school on the next day, but when it's weekend, he plays with me until 10 p.m. My brother's life is kinda boring but if he likes his routine, I'm happy for his happiness.