
Przetłumacz słowa podane w nawiasach.

3. She will marry him when he (dostanie) a flat.
4. Mr Brown thinks that everything (pójdzie) according to plan.
5.(Czy wiecie) why Tom is absent from school today?
6.Why(nie odrobiłeś) your homework today?
7.What(będziesz robić) this afternoon?
8.When I went to see him, he (pracował) at his car.
9.He (przeprowadza) an experiment in the laboratory at the moment.
10. Our team (weźmie) part in the next Olympic
11. This book (nie została) translated into English yet..
12. She (tańczyla) all through the night.
13. I will tell him the news when I (spotkam)
14. They (byli) very busy lately.
15. I cannot find my umbrella. I (szukam) it for ten minutes.
16. Last year he (zdal) all his examinations..
17. Do you know when they (pobrali się)?
18.They(zamierzaja) go to the theatre on Sunday.
19.How long (mieszkasz) in this town?
20.(Czy sa) any messages for me?
21. We (znamy) each other for ten years.
22. He always (mówi) that English grammar is simple.
23. I do not believe that he (ukradl) the money.
24. He (udawał - pretend) to be asleep when I came into the room.
25.When you (kupiliście) this house?