
Uzupełnij dialogi, wpisując w każdą lukę brakujący fragment wypowi for tonight? A: Do you ......for tonight? B: Not really. I think I will just stay home and watch TV. ... do you go window-shopping? A: .... do you go window- shopping?B: Never. I don't see the point in doing it. A: Hi Mum. What are you doing? B: I am making some cookies for you and your friends. A: .... ..... you?B: Sure. Grab the aprons and start with the dough. A: How did you like our last set book?B:To be honest? I think it is ........ I have ever read in my entire life. A: Seriously? I really enjoyed reading it. Proszę pomóżcie mi ułożyć dialog. wte kropki trzeba wpisać brakujący fragment.​