Dopasuj wyrazy z tabel A i B tworząc kolokacje. Uzupełnij nimi zdania,
zmieniając formy tam, gdzie jest to konieczne. W kolumnie B jest jeden
niepasujący zwrot.
A: keep, practise, residentia,l running, housing, within
B: what one preaches, development, area, walking distance,
commute, water, a cool head
przykład: The new swimming pool will be in the main residential area of the city so lots of families can go.
1 The new ______________________________ doesn’t match the architectural style
of the area.
2 I’d love to live ______________________________ to work, but it’s too expensive to
rent a flat there.
3 Unfortunately, we don’t have any ______________________________ at the
moment. They are trying to fix the problem now.
4 I ______________________________ when the train crashed and helped the people
in my carriage to safety.
5 She tells everyone they should be vegetarian, then doesn’t _____________________
she ___________________