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A There are two different species of beavers - the North American beaver and the European beaver. They like to live near water and use trees to build houses in rivers and lakes. Beavers usually sleep in the day and go out at night. They can't run very fast, but they are very good at swimming.

B Kangaroos live in Australia and New Zealand. They can hop, jump very high, swim and walk, but they can't run very fast. A baby kangaroo, or 'joey,' stays with its mother for about ten months. Kangaroos eat grass, plants and leaves from trees, but they don't eat meat.

C Polar bears live in the Arctic. They can run fast and they are very good at swimming. Baby polar bears, or cubs, stay in snow houses called dens, for four or five months after they are born. They are very small when they are born - just 30 cm long - but they grow very fast.
This animal
1doesn't leave its mother for nearly a year after it is born.
2 makes its own home from pieces of wood.
3 can run fast and swim well.
4 doesn't sleep at night.
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