
5 Przeczytaj teksty 1. i 2. W zadaniach 1–4 z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą (A, B lub C).
Następnie uzupełnij luki 5–8 w wiadomości e-mail zgodnie z treścią tekstów. Luki należy uzupełnić
w jezyku polskim.
Tekst 1
When the Adelaide Fringe Festival started in 1960, very few people thought it could become the world’s
second-largest arts festival. The idea for the festival came from a group of artists, most of them local and
not very famous. They couldn’t understand why many of them weren’t allowed to take part in the official,
government-funded Adelaide Festival of Arts. They wanted to create an event which could be open to any
artists who wanted to share their creativity with the public.
The idea became a great success and the festival grew fast. Every two years, as it was held until 2007, the number
of exhibitions increased. Fifteen years after the idea was born, Frank Ford, a writer and director, became the first
head of the official organisation known as the Adelaide Fringe. However, for many years the festival featured only
Australian artists until 1988 when artists from all over the world were invited to come and perform.
The festival is now a huge and amazing one, with over 900 events including cabaret, comedy, circus, dance,
visual arts and music. It traditionally opens with a parade, which is followed by a street party. Today the fourweek festival attracts audiences to the theatres and galleries of Adelaide. However, many events take place in
the streets and some unusual places like warehouses or empty buildings.
All types of artists are welcome to join the festival. Their performances and exhibitions are usually free to
the public, although tickets are necessary to see the biggest events. This is possible because the festival is
sponsored by a lot of government and business organisations.
1 The Adelaide Fringe Festival started as
A one of the largest events in the world.
B an alternative event to another one.
C an idea suggested by some famous people.
2 In 1975 the festival
A started to be organised every year.
B allowed foreign artists to join.
C became an official organisation.
3 Which of the following is true about the Adelaide
A There’s a street party on the first day.
B It lasts almost two months.
C All the shows are in theatres and galleries.
4 People who come to watch the shows
A have to buy tickets for all the shows.
B only pay to see the most popular shows.
C never need to buy any tickets.
Tekst 2
An unforgettable artistic experience! 15 February – 18 March Festival Highlights
Dance 17–19 Feb: flamenco dance by Galvan. Tickets: $45
Adelaide Biennial
3–10 Mar: Australian modern art. Admission free for under 16’s.
Cześć Iwona,
Świetnie, że przylatujesz do Adelajdy w połowie lutego! To najlepszy moment, żeby zobaczyć całą masę
wystaw i przedstawień artystycznych na festiwalu Adelaide Fringe. Festiwal zaczyna się dzień po Twoim
przyjeździe, więc możemy zobaczyć (5) _________________, która tradycyjnie rozpoczyna festiwal. Później,
według informacji na stronie internetowej festiwalu, mamy mnóstwo ciekawych rzeczy do wyboru. Wiem, że
interesujesz się tańcem, więc wybierzemy się na przedstawienie tańca flamenco. Ponieważ w weekend 17 i 18
lutego pojedziemy z moimi rodzicami na wycieczkę, zostaje nam (6) _________________ na zobaczenie tego
występu. Ja z kolei najbardziej chciałabym wybrać się na wystawę (7) _________________ pt. Adelaide Biennial.
To największa wystawa tego typu, urządzana co dwa lata, a poza tym bilety wstępu (8) _________________ dla
dzieci i młodzieży poniżej 16. roku życia. Co do innych imprez, to postanowimy, kiedy już będziesz na miejscu.
Do zobaczenia za kilka tygodni. Nie mogę się doczekać!
Dorota5 Przeczytaj teksty 1. i 2. W zadaniach 1–4 z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą (A, B lub C).
Następnie uzupełnij luki 5–8 w wiadomości e-mail zgodnie z treścią tekstów. Luki należy uzupełnić
w jezyku polskim.
Tekst 1
When the Adelaide Fringe Festival started in 1960, very few people thought it could become the world’s
second-largest arts festival. The idea for the festival came from a group of artists, most of them local and
not very famous. They couldn’t understand why many of them weren’t allowed to take part in the official,
government-funded Adelaide Festival of Arts. They wanted to create an event which could be open to any
artists who wanted to share their creativity with the public.
The idea became a great success and the festival grew fast. Every two years, as it was held until 2007, the number
of exhibitions increased. Fifteen years after the idea was born, Frank Ford, a writer and director, became the first
head of the official organisation known as the Adelaide Fringe. However, for many years the festival featured only
Australian artists until 1988 when artists from all over the world were invited to come and perform.
The festival is now a huge and amazing one, with over 900 events including cabaret, comedy, circus, dance,
visual arts and music. It traditionally opens with a parade, which is followed by a street party. Today the fourweek festival attracts audiences to the theatres and galleries of Adelaide. However, many events take place in
the streets and some unusual places like warehouses or empty buildings.
All types of artists are welcome to join the festival. Their performances and exhibitions are usually free to
the public, although tickets are necessary to see the biggest events. This is possible because the festival is
sponsored by a lot of government and business organisations.
1 The Adelaide Fringe Festival started as
A one of the largest events in the world.
B an alternative event to another one.
C an idea suggested by some famous people.
2 In 1975 the festival
A started to be organised every year.
B allowed foreign artists to join.
C became an official organisation.
3 Which of the following is true about the Adelaide
A There’s a street party on the first day.
B It lasts almost two months.
C All the shows are in theatres and galleries.
4 People who come to watch the shows
A have to buy tickets for all the shows.
B only pay to see the most popular shows.
C never need to buy any tickets.
Tekst 2
An unforgettable artistic experience! 15 February – 18 March Festival Highlights
Dance 17–19 Feb: flamenco dance by Galvan. Tickets: $45
Adelaide Biennial
3–10 Mar: Australian modern art. Admission free for under 16’s.
Cześć Iwona,
Świetnie, że przylatujesz do Adelajdy w połowie lutego! To najlepszy moment, żeby zobaczyć całą masę
wystaw i przedstawień artystycznych na festiwalu Adelaide Fringe. Festiwal zaczyna się dzień po Twoim
przyjeździe, więc możemy zobaczyć (5) _________________, która tradycyjnie rozpoczyna festiwal. Później,
według informacji na stronie internetowej festiwalu, mamy mnóstwo ciekawych rzeczy do wyboru. Wiem, że
interesujesz się tańcem, więc wybierzemy się na przedstawienie tańca flamenco. Ponieważ w weekend 17 i 18
lutego pojedziemy z moimi rodzicami na wycieczkę, zostaje nam (6) _________________ na zobaczenie tego
występu. Ja z kolei najbardziej chciałabym wybrać się na wystawę (7) _________________ pt. Adelaide Biennial.
To największa wystawa tego typu, urządzana co dwa lata, a poza tym bilety wstępu (8) _________________ dla
dzieci i młodzieży poniżej 16. roku życia. Co do innych imprez, to postanowimy, kiedy już będziesz na miejscu.
Do zobaczenia za kilka tygodni. Nie mogę się doczekać!